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Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.




Hello! We're creating resources for busy primary school teachers. All our writers are themselves experienced KS1 and KS2 professionals and we design our resources to be as appealing and accessible as possible.
Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

This comic book comprehension resource is great for reluctant readers and more fluent pupils alike. It helps children become familiar with narrative structures and once this knowledge is embedded it can be transferred to more stretching contexts. This KS1 and KS2 reading comprehension resource includes: Three Beano comic strips Three reading comprehension question worksheets Comic puzzles for working on narrative sequence Blank comic template It’s an enjoyable way for all children to develop their comprehension and inference skills.
Ellipses – Y6 SPaG Challenge Mat

Ellipses – Y6 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using verb suffixes. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Prepositions – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

Prepositions – Y3 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using prepositions. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Plural and Possessive 's' – Y4 SPaG Challenge Mat

Plural and Possessive 's' – Y4 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using a plural or possessive ‘s’. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

Beano Comic Book Comprehension Worksheets for KS1 and KS2

This comic book comprehension resource is great for reluctant readers and more fluent pupils alike. It helps children become familiar with narrative structures and once this knowledge is embedded it can be transferred to more stretching contexts. This KS1 and KS2 reading comprehension resource includes: Three Beano comic strips Three reading comprehension question worksheets Comic puzzles for working on narrative sequence Blank comic template It’s an enjoyable way for all children to develop their comprehension and inference skills.
Fronted Adverbials – Y5 SPaG Challenge Mat

Fronted Adverbials – Y5 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using fronted adverbials. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
Interactive SPaG Displays: Lower KS2: Commas after Adverbials, Possessive Apostrophes, Direct Speech

Interactive SPaG Displays: Lower KS2: Commas after Adverbials, Possessive Apostrophes, Direct Speech

Not just classroom wallpaper! This pack contains six interactive posters illustrating key grammar, punctuation and spelling concepts. Each poster uses an amusing or interesting image accompanied by word balloons to explain a GPS concept. These word balloons are optional. Blank balloon templates enable you to use the children’s own ideas or to add to the existing examples. The SPaG posters included in this pack are: Commas after adverbials Possessive apostrophes Direct speech
Possessive 's' – Y4 SPaG Challenge Mat

Possessive 's' – Y4 SPaG Challenge Mat

This review mat for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling is an excellent way to revise and practise using a possessive ‘s’. The worksheets are divided into five different types of activity, including writing challenges and GPS sample test questions.
KS2 Norse Tales Model Text Pack 1: Myths and Legends

KS2 Norse Tales Model Text Pack 1: Myths and Legends

This KS2 model text pack contains three Norse legends. These can be used to familiarise the children with characters from Norse mythology. The stories included in this pack are: The Building of Asgard’s wall How Thor regained Mjölnir The Mead of Poetry
Norse Tales Model Text Pack 2: Myths and Legends

Norse Tales Model Text Pack 2: Myths and Legends

This pack contains three Norse legends. These model texts can be used to familiarise the children with characters from Norse mythology, supporting their own writing and study on the subject. The stories included in this pack are: Thor’s Journey to the Land of the Giants Jotunheim Treasures of the Gods.
KS1 Famous Explorers – Primary Writing Inspiration Posters

KS1 Famous Explorers – Primary Writing Inspiration Posters

Use our fact posters on famous explorers to inspire writing in your class. The sheets include facts and key dates connected with four explorers often studied at primary school: Neil Armstrong Christopher Columbus Roald Amundsen James Cook Colour photos and illustrations make this a great resource for vibrant classroom displays.
Mahatma Gandhi - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Famous Lives

Mahatma Gandhi - KS2 Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Famous Lives

Use these KS2 comprehension worksheets to teach your children about the activist and campaigner Mahatma Gandhi. The fact sheet has information about Gandhi’s childhood, the time he spend in South Africa and his peaceful campaign for Indian independence. The resource can be used as part of a guided reading session or as homework and includes comprehension questions covering the different reading skills of retrieval, inference and the use of vocabulary. This pack is also a great prompt for PSHE lessons where children can discuss issues of equality, fairness and how to make a change.
Guided Reading Dice

Guided Reading Dice

These attractive dice are designed to help children to reflect on what they have read. At the end of a reading session, they can use them to generate a question about the text for a written or oral response.
Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 4

Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 4

This set of four bright, attractive posters display the additional grammar and punctuation vocabulary that children are required to learn and understand by the end of the Year 4 curriculum. Ideal for use as part of a working wall, they can be referred to as the teaching points arise; discussed for revision; and added to over the course of the year with example of the children’s own work, and those they may spot in, for example, their shared reading.
Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Webs

Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Webs

Encourage children to explore more powerful vocabulary when writing with this fun synonyms activity, suitable for Years 2-6. Ideal as a lesson starter, as part of any writing task or for home learning, word webs are also a brilliant way of keeping classroom displays purposeful and interactive.
Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 5

Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 5

This set of eight bright, attractive posters display the grammar and punctuation vocabulary that children are required to learn and understand by the end of the Year 5 curriculum. Ideal for use as part of a working wall, they can be referred to as the teaching points arise; discussed for revision; and added to over the course of the year with example of the children’s own work, and those they may spot in, for example, their shared reading.
Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Scales

Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Scales

Encourage pupils in Years 2-6 to broaden their knowledge and use of vocabulary, by completing the scales with words that link between two extremes. This activity, which involves considering synonyms and antonyms, could be used as a starter to extend pupils’ word choices before writing. NB the worksheets are best printed at A3 size.
Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Snails

Exploring Vocabulary Activities: Word Snails

Encourage children to broaden their knowledge and use of vocabulary by completing these word snails, writing synonyms for each previous word in the shell. This activity, which involves considering synonyms, could be used as a starter to extend pupils’ word choices before writing, as well as to create interactive wall displays.
Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 6

Vocabulary Posters: Grammar and Punctuation Terminology - Year 6

This set of 10 bright, attractive posters display the grammar and punctuation vocabulary that children are required to learn and understand by the end of the Year 6 curriculum. Ideal for use as part of a working wall, they can be referred to as the teaching points arise; discussed for revision; and added to over the course of the year with example of the children’s own work, and those they may spot in, for example, their shared reading.